Potato plants in hay

Discover the problems when you plant in fresh manure rather than compost, by Charles Dowding

The best way to discover something is to try them out! Charles shares an example in this vlog.

The best way to discover something is to try them out! Charles shares an example in this vlog.

Thanks to Charles Dowding for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Charles Dowding’s channel. You can watch it using this YouTube link.

A guy contacted him about using fresh manure as a great way to grow potatoes.

So Charles decided to try also.

The take out of using fresh horse manure

He sees a lot of weeds growing, in addition to the nice vegetables. I had the same experience where common purslane grew a lot after applying fresh manure.

However, the great news, it’s easy to remove those weeds from the hay.

This tells us how efficient a proper composting process, e.g., getting the temperatures up, is to kill weed seeds.

A compost thermometer at more than 60 °C

You need to add regularly material onto the heap and in the proper proportion of green and brown, e.g., in a 50/50 ratio.

So in fresh manure, vegetables can grow. But so the weeds in the hay ;)

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