Image de l'article 'Components and scoped slots in Vue.js'

Components and scoped slots in Vue.js

I took me many examples and a lot of practice to understand slots. Whether it’s simple slots, named slots or scoped slots, you will find that it’s a powerful feature in Vue. Let’s dive into it.

Image de l'article 'Reducing Hugo build time by 2 on Netlify'

Reducing Hugo build time by 2 on Netlify

When you start to have a lot of articles on a Hugo-powered website, the number of images processed can slow down the generation to reach the default timeout. Though you can increase it, this is not enough to avoid overconsuming build minutes on Netlify.

Image de l'article 'Updating an e-mail with Firebase Auth'

Updating an e-mail with Firebase Auth

Long ago, the workflow to change an e-mail address with Firebase Authentification was simple, but less secure. With Firebase 9, it changed and you need to verify the e-mail address when updating it. I’ll show you how it works...

Image de l'article 'Schedule builds on Netlify'

Schedule builds on Netlify

Scheduling tasks is a common need in software development. With my Hugo blogs, I needed such a task to automate the publishing workflow of my articles.

Image de l'article 'How to create an alias for a Vue component?'

How to create an alias for a Vue component?

Sometimes, you use third-party libraries who develop useful components. It was the case for me with VeeValidate. But the names of the component may not suit you or your linter. Let’s see how solve either of these issues.