Garlic and salads growing together

Harvesting Garlic and Succession Planting, by Huw Richards

Succession planting the act to sow and plant another crops following the harvesting of a previous one.

Succession planting the act to sow and plant another crops following the harvesting of a previous one.

Thanks to Huw Richards for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Huw Richards’s channel. You can watch it using this YouTube link.

Tip for sprouted garlic who comes up early in spring

Covering the ground with compost will help nourish the garlic.

What can follow garlic

Huw sowed mustards, rocket salads and radishes.

Share excess yields with neighbors and friends

When you grow your own food and you have excess, it is a great idea to share it, make exchanges or even donate.

It is really a value that needs to expand.

What about intercropping

I find that some crops, like lettuce and strawberries, struggle with pests, named slugs.

I have tried in the past growing shallot around strawberries and I think it worked to keep the slugs away, far better than ash, beer traps or egg shells.

Kathleen Henderson, from Roots and Boots, shared in an article on the topic listing the advantages of intercropping lettuce and garlic in three points:

  1. increased yield: grow more in less space
  2. weed control: vegetable like lettuce help to block out weeds around slower growing plants
  3. pest management: intercropping increases biodiversity in the garden, which can help to confuse harmful insects

My favorite benefit is clear the third one.

What is your experience on the topic?

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