A garlic and some cloves, picture by Skitterphoto: https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/ail-aliments-brouiller-concentrer-630766/

How to Plant Garlic From Start to Finish, by The Dutch Farmer

Step by step, Moreno shows how to plant this crop successfully.

Step by step, Moreno shows how to plant this crop successfully.

Thanks to The Dutch Farmer for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on The Dutch Farmer’s channel. You can watch it using this YouTube link.


September: preparing the cloves

Breaking down last year’s garlic heads

From your best garlic heads from last harvest (or from your organic store), break down the garlic into individual cloves.

October 25: planting

  1. Prepare the soil in no dig. Below, bulk compost is used.

    Setup garlic on mulch "

  2. Space the cloves 5 cm to 10 cm from each other in rows of about 30 cm.

    Space the cloves 5 cm to 10 cm from each other in rows of about 30 cm

    Credits: image taken from The Dutch Farmer’s vlog.

March 17: new garlic has come out

The new garlic is out

May 21st: garlic is at adult size

Garlic has grown to adult size

June 27th: harvest and set to dry

Around the beginning of the summer (end of June in the northern atmosphere), the garlic should be ready to harvest.

See how to judge the readiness of garlic.

Harvesting garlic

Then, set it put to dry under cover by hanging the garlic:

Setup garlic to dry

August 29th: garlic is ready

About 2 months later, garlic is dried …

Dried garlic

August 30th: prepare for storage

… and it is ready to be stored for later consumption or soon coming new planting season!

You simply cut off the dried stem.

Store garlic by cutting the stem

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