Some code with key usage that is not a v-for

Re-rendering components on route change with Vue

A best practice when the current route change is to make the router view component unique using the key property. As described in the official documentation, the key special attribute is primarily used as a hint for Vue’s virtual DOM algorithm to identify vnodes when diffing the new list of nodes against the old list. Let’s see how it can be used with vue-router.

While working on the Masterclass course at, I was building this awesome pagination from scratch to challenge myself:

You can see it is action on this demo page or this one.

It contains previous and next page buttons to move one page at a time and a previous and next range for moving forward the pagination to select a specific page.

I used the query string page=x in the URL so that the current page would be detected on load and page change.

Once I nailed the algorithm to update the range shown and the logic to display the buttons under some particular state, I tried to integrate it with a parent component.

At first, I used the updated hook to manage the change of page and it worked on the vuecli-powered application.

It worked all well with the Option API.

But, after transposing the JavaScript to TypeScript and using the Composition API, the vite-powered application wouldn’t behave as expected on the previous and next page buttons, resulting into a blocked navigation.

What was wrong?

In my App.vue, I wasn’t using a unique :key on the router-view component. This caused the re-render of the page to fail visually.

To solve that, thanks to Daniel Kelly, as he explained in this lesson, I needed to include the query string in the key.

Before, I had:

<router-view :key="`$route.path" />

After, it became:

<router-view :key="`${$route.path}${JSON.stringify($route.query)}`" />

On route change, using the :key prop is really essential to avoid bugs that this one.

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