Huw's garden in June

What tasks to focus on in June, by Huw Richards

In June, it is warm and everything is growing fast, vegetables and weeds. Let's look at what Huw is recommending to do this month.

In June, it’s warm and everything is growing fast, vegetables and weeds. Let’s look at what Huw is recommending to do this month.

Thanks to Huw Richards for sharing his wisdom and knowledge! I wrote the following notes watching the video published on Huw Richards’ channel.

You can watch it using this YouTube link.


First, clean up the weeds at the bottom of the bottom of the plants

Second, remove the suckers, which are those stems coming out which will make your plant huge, but that will draw energy out of producing tomatoes. It’s especially true in cooler climates.

Cutting everything (suckers and leaves) below the first trust or the first flowers will go a long way to keep the plant healthy.

Plus, clearing the base will increase airflow to prevent blite.

Finally, clear out the older leaves.

See how Huw does it from 2:28 in the vlog.

Rain and watering

Gathering rain water, even in the UK for Huw, has become an issue. The vlog dates back to 2020! So imagine today…

With dry weather, keeping up with watering is hard…

Plus, some vegetables will tend to bolt, meaning they will go to seed.

With less water, you can also clean up the dead leaves to make sure diseases don’t spread and so that the garden looks tidy.

More sowing

You can still see at this time of the year.

What can you sow?

Personal note

It will depend on your climate, your region. Even if you can find templates here and there, the real method is to use the guidelines of people around your area with experience and ask them.

Then, because everyone has a unique garden, it’s through observation that you will know:

  • based on the experience, year after year.
  • based on the understanding of the weather.
  • based on the nature of your soil.

When do you sow

Prefer sowing when it’s cooler, especially during this month of summer.

Crops progress and harvesting

Again, through observation, you will need to check on your crops, checking for diseases, readiness for harvest and need of watering.

For example, potatoes coming to flower are ready to harvest.

Huw usually waits a couple of weeks when he sees the flower buds of the plants.

Another tip

When you water lettuce, wait it from the top like shown below.

The water will then sink through the middle and it will give the full benefits to the lettuce.

Watering a lettuce from the top

Less weeding


The crops are growing and they leave little space to competing weeds.

Personal note

That isn’t the case for everything, of course. For example, bindweed can climb a crop and get its sunlight to continue to grow…

Plan for the next planting

Some crops will soon stop producing and it’s a good idea to the prepare the seedlings to plant whenever you will free garden space.

That’s it for this vlog.

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