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You have the freedom to choose your responses to circumstances. Focus on what you can influence, not on what you can’t control.
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One thing that I needed on my blogs was to make my articles SEO-effecient. Let’s look at how I did it with Vuepress 2.
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Have you ever needed to call a third party API that resides on a different domain? You probably had CORS issues.
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I ran into a little issue while trying the split my database models into separate files on a REST API using Python and SQLAlchemy. Let’s review the problem and its solution.
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It is good to build an application. It is great to deploy it and witness it running. Let’s see how to do that using Microsoft Azure.
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I’ll admit that, at the time of this writing, I was just starting to code with Python. Yet, I wanted to apply clean code as I’ve learned it.
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In this guide, I’ll provide you the steps to get started with Python and Flask to build a hello world REST API. This was my first experience.
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And the list will grow over time. Bookmark the link for future reading.